Claudius Palorma Verita
| image=|
| name=Claudius Palorma Verita Gnollius
| gender=Male
| race=Gnoll
| dob=X-17
| pob=Lore City
| occupation=Student, Sophomore, concentration: Life Science
| affiliations=The Academy
| spouse=None
| children=None
| alignment=Lawful Good
Claudius was born Cloudy Palur in lore city; both of his parents were; somewhat said, mundane - they had immigrated, with many imperials seeking freedom in one of the mass exoduses that occured in the founding of loretan. His father was a fisherman and dockyard worker; his mother was a housemaker. From the times of his early youth, he showed signs of magical ability, and in due time he made it into the Academy to learn about the trade. He has since reinvented himself - Cloudy isn't exactly a name you would want as a student who constantly daydreams of the outside world, now is it? Unfocused but smart, his advisor told him to go forth and experience the world - "no point in day dreaming about the world - you need seek it, you need to find it, and mold it."
Thus finding himself yet again lacking in a focus, he decided that he might of as well head out to and see what sort of adventures the first boat out in port would lead.